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Summer Camp Programs

Why are Snakes-N-Scales’ Summer Camp Programs a unique experience?

We have multiple programs to choose from that are thematic, where most organizations have a single program for all occasions.

 We can present programs on topics for young campers that will introduce them to animals for the first time or we can present a show for older camp kids on a specific habitat, group of animals or special topic. The camp show descriptions are listed under the school assemblies programs. We have already put together excellent programming for school that is easily adaptable to camps because our school shows are so much fun.

 Our animals are rescued. Therefore our message is always one of humane treatment, respect for life and care for others.

 Our instructors are experienced, well trained pros, both with animals and children.

 We believe that to be effective the program must entertain AND educate. To that end we employ jokes, stories, “animal’s eyes” views of the world, anecdotes, factoids, question and answer and a gentle, controlled, touching experience to make children laugh, think and feel.

Reptile Summer Camp Programs and Shows 

Summer Camp Programs

Our Summer Camp Programs can be as diverse as you can imagine. We have many topics already in our choices list but feel free to suggest more, I.E. Dragons, Pond Life, Pets or anyway that you think we can fit your topic of choice we can create the show for it.

Fish and Aquatic Summer Camp Programs

electric catfish

Snakes-N-Scales, uniquely, has programs involving aquatic animals of all kinds, from this Electric catfish to sea stars to water loving salamanders and frogs.


Summer Camp Programs with Bugs and Spiders

Summer Camp Programs

 We are committed that the children should understand and remember that these creatures are OUR NEIGHBORS ON EARTH.

Booking a Summer Camp Program is easy-

Call Bill at 973-248-9964

And let him know what you’d like!


Author Bill Boesenberg


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