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Library Programs

Bill Boesenberg began his career in the Newark Museum in 1983. For 13 years he worked caring for animals in the Zoo; performed and wrote science education programs for the Education Dept; organized a massive science collection for the Science Dept; and even helped move their painting and art collections. Each year, in May, Snakes-N-Scales returns to the Newark Museum on Dinosaur Day as a guest lecturer. The Bayville Library, Mahwah Library, Neptune Library, Cedar Grove Library, Princeton Library and many others, feature Snakes-N-Scales in the yearly programming. Very often more than once!

Please feel free to call them an inquire about us!

Library Programs

The Neptune Library hosted us with Hernia on several occasions. She and Bill have been together for over 15 years. We create a new show for each new summer theme.


Library Programs

Learn about our Endangered Species Show!

Each summer, the NJ Libraries host Summer Reading Library Programs, which Snakes-N-Scales has been proud to be part of, hundreds of times, since 1995. And unlike others, we create new and exciting shows to match the library topics each time.

Library Programs

Bill and Blue at the Cedar Grove Library.

Nearly all of the several hundred Snakes-N-Scales Reptiles, Amphibians, Bugs, Spiders, Fish and Invertebrates can be used in our Library Programs. We’ve got more traveling animals than several major zoos combined!
So if there is some creature you want to see please ask us!

Library Programs

Choose a Cool Coloring page!

Safety is all important, in Library Programs too, and we do much more than just talk about it!

Library Programs

The photo above is Bill allowing a young girl to touch a tortoise. The animal is being held by both his hands, it’s face is turned away from her and there is a towel under its rear in case it should expel anything unpleasant!–The lower photo is how Mr Rizzo of Rizzo’s Wildlife and Reptiles, allows children to touch! No restraint at all, with an animal that runs at 20 mph and has teeth that could shred a steak!

Library Programs

Learn about how Bill began Snakes-N-Scales in 1996!

And we separate ourselves from others by our safety, our ability to teach and entertain and by the very animals themselves, which are most often rescued animals from unfortunate situations. Their stories populate our programs, like this recent story about 2 snapping turtles.

  Below, is a recommendation from Kathy Erikson at the Berkely Branch Library in Bayville NJ. 

We have had Bill Boesenberg bring several of his programs to our library including ‘Fascinating Snakes’, ‘The Great Reptiles’,  ‘The Strange World of Reptiles’, and more.   We highly recommend them all!  The presentations are unique, informative and entertaining for both kids and adults.  The animals are amazing and everyone learns so much.   Bill has everyone laughing while at the same time giving very important information about the animals.  You do get a lot of bang for your buck with Snakes-n-Scales! Honestly, I cannot emphasize enough to really let you know how truly terrific these programs are! “ 

Library Programs

Mahwah Library has us return several times a year. We are one their favorite presenters. Here is Bill with Elizardbeth.


Library Programs are never full price!

And we are always willing to discuss options with you!

Call Bill and we’ll work something out!



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