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Feb 16, 2019 by

LIVING SCIENCE CURRICULUM LESSONS Below are the GRADE divisions which are linked to the names, topics and pages that cover programs dedicated to the NEXT GENERATION SCIENCE CURRICULUM STANDARDS. They are separated by grade and subject. The pages they link to will give you a brief overview of each program. ————   KINDERGARTEN FIRST GRADE SECOND GRADE THIRD GRADE – Dinosaurs & Fossils  Tropical Rainforest Biodiversity FOURTH GRADE FIFTH GRADE SIXTH GRADE SEVENTH GRADE EIGHTH GRADE HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE Don't Be...

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Exclusively High School Assembly NJ...

Jan 30, 2017 by

Exclusively High School Assembly NJ The perfect show for high school students, our high school assembly NJ includes large animals, exciting species not generally seen without interposing glass and an intelligent experienced instructor that knows how to talk to teens. The major problem with a high school assembly involving animals is the instructors speak as though they were addressing a preschool class! and do not have the background to deal topics of conservation, genetics, careers, animal reproduction, ecology, husbandry and other topics that are relevant to the teenage audience. Our High School Great Reptiles Program solves this problem, starting with  7ft, 100  lb American Alligator, we get their attention extremely quickly! The show proceeds through a 30 lb snapping turtle, a 6 ft water monitor lizard and a 10-13 ft Burmese Python. The show can include other...

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Snakes-N-Scales’ 20th Year Anniversary!...

Mar 20, 2016 by

Since 1996 Snakes-N-Scales has been creating delight and preventing suffering. The delight of children in 4 states and the prevention of suffering to mostly reptiles but also the odd tarantula and frog. They began with a mere 35 animals and now have over 325. They did about 20 shows that first year and by Snakes-N-Scales’ 20th, now perform between 1300-1500 per year. There were others that did similar programs but Bill, the founder of Snakes-N-Scales, always found other performers either actually scaring the kids with the animals, abusing the animals or having no educational value whatsoever! He made it his mission to alter that! And he has. At Snakes-N-Scales’ 20th, they have been sought out by dozens of animal education and rescue groups including most of the zoos in NJ, including the Turtleback Zoo, Bergen County Zoo, Trailside...

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Weird Animals Party

Aug 1, 2015 by

Our Weird Animals Party grows out of an idea that we have many animals that are seen by very few people because they fit into small or obscure niches in our shows. It also grows out of doing our Anti-Bullying Assemblies, where we teach that odd isn’t bad, just different, and different can be fun!  What’s weird about any animal depends, to great extent, on what you’re used to. If what you see mostly is green, and then there is something red, red is weird. So our purpose here is show a few of the oddities of different groups, describe why they’re unusual and discuss how they manage in their weirdness! Weird Animals Party Possible Participants   Lizards have legs and snakes don’t. Well, nearly so. There are no snakes with legs but a fair number of...

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Kaleidoscope of Animals School Assemblies...

May 19, 2015 by

The Kaleidoscope of Animals School Assemblies is a peek at the diversity of life on Earth, what used to be called “a survey of life,”  but it’s more than just learning a little classification. The kaleidoscope has many facets, colors and interlocking parts and we saw it as great analogy to nature. A wonderful way to visualize how interdependent and beautiful the natural world is.  No other Animals School Assemblies, from any source, will have this kind of diversity. This is whirlwind tour of just a few of the more important groups of animals on Earth, leaving out the 2 most well known, mammals and birds. We leave them out because there is so much attention focused on them generally, we feel the vast majority of animals are left out. For example, the population of ants, in...

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Dinosaurs and Fossils School Assemblies...

May 14, 2015 by

  Curriculum Included Abstract 3-LS4-1 BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION Discuss and learn about fossils providing evidence of organisms and environments, in which they lived long ago.  Assembly will discuss various types, sizes, and distribution of fossil organisms. Fossils and environments looked at will include marine fossils found on dry land, similar species existing in the past and the present; (including living examples if live animals are opted for,) and fossils of extinct organisms. What can be learned through argument from evidence, through a comparison with living creatures.     PROGRAM CONTENTS entertaining 1 hour discussion/presentation w/Q&A what can be learned from compare/contrast w/living animals actual fossils & repros used, some touchable pre-program vocabulary available by email after booking post program activity available program available with NO LIVE animals if requested PRICES  NO & CENTRAL  NJ,  SOUTH NY STATE ,  No....

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Endangered Species School Assemblies...

May 10, 2015 by

  At Snakes-N-Scales we are always looking for what schools will like, and be able to integrate into their curricula, but still be fun for the kids! In this case we have created a paired live/non-live Endangered Species School Assemblies animal program that offers several variations on a theme! In the Endangered Species School Assemblies program there are, (at least,) 2 animals from each habitat you may choose, and you may choose as many as 4 of the given habitats. There will be, (at least) 1 live animal and 1 non-live animal discussed for that habitat. The non-live animals will be represented by either a skull, a life size cardboard cut out, a model or a pelt, and then a photo of that animal. The live animals are represented by our rescued reptiles or other types,...

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Animal Themed Bar and Bat Mitzvah Party Entertainment...

Nov 1, 2014 by

 The only thing missing from most Animal Themed Bar and Bat Mitzvah Parties is, ironically, the ANIMALS! It seemed to us the reason for this was 2 fold; 1. The people giving the party were worried about the animals ruining their party and 2. There wasn’t anyone offering animals in a way that introduced the animals appropriately and safely into the party. If you can solve the second, then the first goes away! So welcome to Snakes-N-Scales Animal Themed Bar and Bat Mitzvah Party Entertainment Page! We have the finest selection of traveling animals in NJ, southern NY and CT, and the immediate surrounding areas. Literally hundreds of animals to choose from including types of snakes, turtles, frogs, sharks, lizards, alligators, pythons, fish, salamanders, spiders and insects. Most of these animals are rescued from all kinds of unfortunate...

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Shark School Program

Oct 6, 2014 by

    Shark School Program is entirely about sharks, to our knowledge, is a completely unique program offered nowhere else. This show can be done with a live shark as the finale or without one, if the rules do not allow live animals.  Shark School Program covers shark family history and diversity, relationships to their habitat, predators and prey, biology, new research and relationship to humans. The Shark School Program is varied somewhat depending on the grade and sophistication of the audience. This is a multi-media presentation, using photos, charts, artifacts, models, preserved specimens and video. Children will introduced to sharks the same way we have introduced snakes to kids for 2 decades; in a non-threatening fact filled, fun presentation. The idea is have them leave loving sharks; and understanding that like with snakes, bears or...

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Save the Whales Assemblies

Sep 14, 2014 by

Snakes-N-Scales Saves the Whales and “goes off the deep end” to offer a program that has no live animals in it! No real whales, of course, but a great interesting combination of real and artificial hand specimens, illustrative posters and photos, and a few short video clips. These Whales Assemblies offer much more than just a few pictures or a sleepy slide show! The program begins by introducing types of whales and what they look like, using photos and video. There are 2 basic types, the toothed whales like the Sperm Whale and the Dolphins and the Baleen Whales, like the Humpback above. Beluga Whale at the Atlanta Aquarium, photo by Greg Hume. Why the whales are in trouble is discussed with the class; from the hundreds of years of whaling to the modern problems...

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Tropical Rainforest School Assemblies...

Mar 22, 2014 by

  Curriculum Included Abstract 3-LS4-3, 3-LS4-4-  BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY  CURRICULUM (Characteristics and Changes) Tropical Rainforest Assembly will discuss evidence including behaviors and characteristics of the animals and the tropical rainforest habitat itself, as an interdependent system. Effects and adaptation to change, how some animals in this habitat survive well, some survive less well, and some will not survive; (Adapt, Move or Die.) due to changes that occur naturally and human made changes. PROGRAM CONTENTS entertaining 1 hour discussion/presentation w/Q&A behaviors and characteristics of the animals habitat as an interdependent system effects and adaptation to change pre-program vocabulary available by email after booking post program activity available PRICES  NO & CENTRAL  NJ,  SOUTH NY STATE ,  No. PA  & Delaware Valley , WEST CT  $425   NYC  $550,  PHILLY & SOUTH NJ (Atlantic Cty & south)   $525 Program Instructors Bill...

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Anti-Bullying School Assemblies...

Mar 19, 2014 by

Through Another’s Eyes Snakes-N-Scales’ Anti-Bullying School Assemblies look at the subject from an entirely different direction than any other program, using animals that are often misunderstood and feared, like snakes, spiders and alligators. We try to see through their eyes at ourselves and learn to understand that the point of view of a person, or an animal, is key to understanding. Bullying is often born of dislike; and dislike comes from misunderstanding and fear. If understanding is created and fear eliminated then much of the bullying goes away. Our  School Assemblies About Bullying prevention are offered for younger children than most. Our Anti-Bullying School Assemblies, are easily accepted, fun, informative and do not use confrontation or scare tactics, since we learn about the animals and through them, ourselves. Our Anti-Bullying School Assemblies are specifically designed for Elementary Schools and are run...

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River of Monsters Party

Mar 14, 2014 by

 A River of Monsters Party?  But there is no “real” River of Monsters , of course. And we do not use this birthday party show to say any different! But people fear animals for many reasons and sometimes that fear can get out of hand. This show seeks to “un-monster” these wonderful animals. This birthday party program combines some of the most aggressive animals, alive in the rivers of the world, but is completely safe because the people of Snakes-N-Scales bring it to you. Animals Living in the River Of Monsters Party! The Alligator Snapping Turtle, left,  grows to be the largest freshwater turtle in North America and has a mean reputation. But the Alligator Snapping Turtle is not the monster it pretends to be! They are usually found at the bottom of lakes hunting...

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